Monday, January 21, 2013

Poetry Packet.

1) Shakespeare Sonnet - 130
I think this poem was the easiest to understand out of all the Shakespeare Sonnets. This was the easiest to understand because the only thing that it could possibly be about was love. Shakespeare was writing about his love for his mistress by comparing her to all the things that were so much "better" than her. But the last two lines is when I realized that he really loved this girl. It says "And yet, by heaven, I think my love was rare; As any she belied with false compare!" Even tho he was saying all these things were better than her, in the end, she ended up being better than all those things. It was very confusing and I had to Google what "belied" meant. But when I finally understood what he was talking about, I thought it was a very nice poem. It ended up being really sweet in the end.

2) Ted Berrigan - XV
Okay, I think this poem is the best poem in this whole poetry packet. I really liked this poem because you have to read it a certain way to understand it. The only reason I knew to read it a certain way, though, was because in class we talked about it. It didn't make any sense when I read it the first time, but I didn't think nothing of it because none of these poems really make that much sense to me. When you read this poem the right way, though, it's makes sense. Well... it makes more sense than any other poem. Also, I liked this poem because it talks about Marilyn Monroe. Ted Berrigan clearly had this fascination with Marilyn Monroe and I really liked that because who doesn't just love Marilyn Monroe?

3) Langston Hughes - Preference
This poem I found to be very funny. The poem is called "Preference" and all he is talking about is how much he wants an older woman. According to him, young girls are always asking for stuff and talking too much, while an older woman is just giving stuff away. Not that there's anything wrong with dating someone older than you, but there's nothing wrong with dating someone younger than you, either. I feel like this poem is really bias, but it was also pretty funny the way he chose to describe how each woman acts.

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